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Request a refund

In some cases, we may not be able to meet our guarantees. In that case, your campaign was free.

Fill out the form below to request your refund!

When are you eligible for a refund?

  • If we are unable to deliver the number of visitors promised within 60 days of the campaign starting date, you may claim a refund. In the unlikely event that we, the service provider, do not deliver the number of visitors promised, we will provide a refund of your entire purchase price on a pro-rata basis. In cases where refunds are claimed, we reserve the right to further investigate and approve or decline your request. Refunds are issued at the sole discretion of .

  • In case of cancellation, there will be a 10% penalty on refund of unused credits to compensate for the discount.

  • If a pop-up window is installed on the URL at any time, WILL stop the campaign and you will NOT be entitled to a refund.

  • Refunds will only be made to orders that are not fully fulfilled and that adhere to all our terms and conditions and as determined by our system and the link set up. Refunds will not be offered based on unrecommended trackers.

  • All refunds after order cancellations, or for any other reasons in compliance with our terms and conditions, will be done through the Original Mode of Payment or through a bank of your choice (Please note that the Bank Details MUST match the data used while purchasing or is similar to the original bank details – in this case, Name and Address).

  • We do not take responsibility of any local bank charges incurred incase of a partial or full refund.

  • Please read our Terms of Service and Money back guarantee

  • Please note, it may take up to 10 to 14 days for your refund to be processed and reach your account. We request your patience.

  • Bank details are necessary to process refund.
About Us

We are Web Traffic Geeks, a team of hard working specialists focusing on providing quality web traffic to your website. We only focus on quality, in everything we do. We aren't the average bulk traffic supplier! 

More about us


Geestersingel 48

1815 BB Alkmaar


©2023, WebTrafficGeeks